Sunday, January 22, 2012

Alex and Eli's 4th Birthday Party

Rog and I gave the boys a swing set for their Christmas/birthday present.  Davey wanted to build it himself, so with lots of help from his Dad, got it finished in time to give it to them before their party yesterday.  There are swings, a deck, a climbing wall and a zip line that runs almost to New Iberia.  There's other stuff Davey told me he was going to add.  I'm not quite sure what but believe me, it will be over the top.

A view from the top!

The whole thing and if you look closely, you can see the start of the zip line.

The boys and Gabe

Beau Nick, Amelie and her Mom, Auntie Am


Alex, Eli and Carter


Beau Nick

Precious Noah


The cake was so well done


Eli on the left--Alex on the right

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Orchid Documentation #2

The orchid still has its orginal blossoms.

New little blossoms are coming out

Five, count them, five little buds

Here's three of the new buds
The two buds at the bottom were there when I got the plant.  the biggest one opened today...
Keep your fingers crossed that I don't kill this beautiful present.

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