Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Day At The Farm

Getting acquainted

Ms. Susan provided treats for the donkeys

Alex didn't like being sneezed on

The black cat was a hit with the boys

Alex communicating with the pigs

Quick rubdown


Alex feeding the goat

He's going to break many hearts before he's done

I promise I didn't have them pose for me

Love the beard

He thinks he rules the roost

 Ms. Susan, tour guide extraordinaire, with Rog and the twins at the crawfish ponds

Poor Pooch thought he was going to take a nap.
We ended our visit with lunch at the feed store.  The hamburgers are wonderful.
free hit counters

Monday, March 12, 2012

Alex and Eli's First T-Ball Practice

Davey is one of the coaches for Alex and Eli's T-Ball team.  Their first practice was last week. We had the boys that day.  Gabe came over after school for a little neighborhood terrorizing--just joking.  When the time arrived, we loaded all three boys and the supper I had cooked for everyone , in the truck.  Let me just say, Gabe has he's mother's stomach (or lack of).  I won't go into particulars (all involved know why) but halfway there Eli says, "Honey, Gabe frew (threw) up."  When I turned to see what was happening, Gabe was sitting with throwup in his hands and on his pants.  Thank God Rog had lots of napkins in the glove compartment.  I got him cleaned up as good as I could while continuing on to the ballpark.  I threw the twins and Rog out of the truck (kept Gabe in the truck), threw Claire in the truck and headed for Claire's house where Gabe took a shower.  He SQUEEZED into a pair of the little boys shorts (way big for them).  Then back for the practice.  Wheeee, what a day with our boys.

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Cosmo's Moon (Moonstruck)

These pictures don't do the moon justice.  The pictures were taken hand-held hence the blurriness.  I thought I'd share them anyway.

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The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree


Can you believe he had the nerve to pose!!!
Saturday the boys and Claire came to "PLAY" which always includes washing Claire's car.  As usual, Alex and Eli got soaking wet.  Didn't bother Eli but Alex was having none of it.  After digging through many drawers of clothing, this was the best we could come up with.  It was reminiscent of Claire's love for "Uncle Tam's Drawers".  She wore those for months.  Now, to explain, Uncle Tam was at least 6'4" tall.  Claire was about three years old and nowhere near his height or weight.  The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
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